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Ludo - Fostered

Ludo - Fostered

old Male Terrier/Pit Bull - Mix
I've been at ARC for

Weight: 55 Lbs

My story:

This sweet old guy has a sad story. We hope you can offer him a happier ending!

We first took this big guy in in November of 2016. We took him from Lee County Domestic Animal Services, as the were running low on space. We were very lucky to find him a home within a couple of months. Then, sadly, he was returned to ARC in July of 2021 when his owner died. Can you imagine? Your family gone and back in a shelter in the blink of an eye…

Ludo is selective about other dogs, seeming to prefer smaller, calm dogs. This is something that we’re working on. We believe that he’d be ok with cats, but would want to verify this once more before he went to a home with felines.

We would really like to find a final, forever home for Ludo. He’s lost all that matters to him. Please help us to give this sweet guy a forever family.

My ideal home:

I'd need to be the only pup in your home, but I'd love you as much as two pups!

I'm good with:

  • Some Other Dogs
  • Cats
  • Older Children
  • Men
  • Women

I'm not good with:

  • Young Children